Nankai University Average Salary and Salary Index of Fresh Graduates in 2023




                                                        Ranked 16th

                                                        9744.475 (HIGHEST) 8727.665 (THIS COLLEGE) 1929.560 (LOWEST)

                                                        Ranked/排名 16th 公立院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 16th 本科院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 11th 綜合類院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 1th 天津院校中


                                                        Ranked/排名:1th (全部級別:13)

                                                        教育資源豐富度/Richness of educational resources

                                                        Ranked/排名:33th (全部級別:1134)

                                                        教學水平/Teaching ability

                                                        Ranked/排名:12th (全部級別:1115)

                                                        學科競爭度/Subject competitiveness

                                                        Ranked/排名:17th (全部級別:2095)

                                                        聲望及影響力/Reputation and influence

                                                        Ranked/排名:68th (全部級別:1012)

                                                        職業發展機會/Career development opportunities


                                                        Ranked 17th

                                                        93.90 (HIGHEST) 88.36 (THIS COLLEGE) 27.25 (LOWEST)

                                                        Ranked/排名 17th 辦學性質-公立院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 17th 辦學層次-本科院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 15th 院校辦學類型-綜合類院校中
                                                        Ranked/排名 1th 地區-天津院校中


                                                        南开大学簡介 Introduction

                                                        Nankai University University, referred to as "Nankai", is directly under the Ministry of education of the people's Republic of China and directly under the central government. It is one of the key construction universities in the national "world-class university construction (a)", national "211 Project" and "985 Project". It has been selected into the national "Everest plan", "strong foundation plan", "2011 plan", "111 plan" and excellent legal personnel education and training It is a member of the international public university forum and one of the "northern stars of universities".Nankai University was founded by Yan Xiu and Zhang Boling with the idea of saving the nation through education. It started in 1904. In 1937, its campus was destroyed by Japanese invaders and moved southward. Together with Peking University and Tsinghua University, it formed the national Changsha temporary University in Changsha, Hunan Province. In 1938, it moved to Kunming, Yunnan Province. Changsha temporary University changed its name to National Southwest United University. In 1946, it returned to Tianjin and became a national university Since the reform and opening up, Tianjin Institute of foreign trade and China Institute of tourism management have been merged.As of January 2020, the school covers an area of 4.4519 million square meters, of which Balitai campus covers an area of 1.225 million square meters, Jinnan campus covers an area of 2.4589 million square meters, and TEDA college covers an area of 67200 square meters. The total building area of the school is 1.979 million square meters; there are 26 professional colleges and 92 undergraduate majors; there are 11 first-class master's programs, 27 professional master's programs, 31 first-class doctoral programs, 1 second-class doctoral program, 28 post doctoral research stations; there are 2162 full-time teachers; there are 28557 full-time students in the school, including 16372 undergraduates, 8322 master's students and doctoral students There are 3863 graduate students.

                                                        南开大学(Nankai University),简称“南开”,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,是国家“世界一流大学建设高校(A类)”、国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设高校,入选国家“珠峰计划”、“强基计划”、“2011计划”、“111计划”、卓越法律人才教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、教育部来华留学示范基地、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、学位授权自主审核单位,为国际公立大学论坛成员,是“学府北辰”之一。南开大学由严修、张伯苓秉承教育救国理念创办,肇始于1904年,1937年校园遭侵华日军炸毁而南迁,与北京大学、清华大学在湖南长沙合组国立长沙临时大学,1938年迁往云南昆明,长沙临时大学更名为国立西南联合大学;1946年回天津复校并改为国立;新中国成立后,经历高等学校院系调整,成为文理并重的全国重点大学;改革开放以来,天津对外贸易学院、中国旅游管理干部学院相继并入。截至2020年1月,学校占地445.19万平方米,其中八里台校区占地122.50万平方米,津南校区占地245.89万平方米,泰达学院占地6.72万平方米。校舍建筑总面积197.90万平方米;有专业学院26个、本科专业92个;有一级学科硕士点11个,专业学位硕士点27个,一级学科博士点31个,二级学科博士点1个,博士后科研流动站28个;专任教师2162人;全日制在校学生28557人,其中本科生16372人,硕士研究生8322人,博士研究生3863人。

                                                        • 院校代碼 4112010055
                                                        • 成立年代 1919
                                                        • 所在市 天津
                                                        • 所在省 天津
                                                        • 主管單位 教育部
                                                        • 院校屬性 公立
                                                        • 辦學層次 本科
                                                        • 辦學類型 綜合類
                                                        211 985 雙一流 重點學科 自主招生